06 Oct

RIP and fizzle

Who taught: Blake and Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs (Source: apple.com)

Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma โ€” which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Do you know who said this?

That’s right. It is Steve Jobs. It is so true and I totally agree with what he said. Yesterday there was an announcement about the new iPhone, iPhone 4s. It was disappointing. 4s does not look like any game changing device at all and also Steve Jobs was not there to talk about it. Many media including New York Times described iPhone 4s as fizzle.

You know what fizzle is? If something is fizzle,ย it ends in a weak or disappointing way after starting off strongly.

Ironically, Steve Jobs died from pancreatic cancer yesterday. But, he is not a fizzle at all. There is a saying in Korea, “A tiger leaves its skin after death; a man leaves his name.” He not only leaves his name but also amazing Apple products that we will use for a long time, remembering his passion and name.

After his death, there were so many Facebook status updates from my friends including Blake, saying “RIP, Steve Jobs!” Now, what is RIP? It’s an abbreviation of “Rest In Peace!” This is an expression you can use for people who died, hoping them to rest in peace.

Going back to Steve Jobs’s speech, once again, it is so true that we should really live a full life while we are here in the world. However, if I ever add one more thing, if I were to give a speech, I would say we should also at least think about us after the death. Is it really the end of everything once a person dies? Let me give you an advice, if I may. Please read the Bible. You need to at least give it a try to see what’s there. There is the truth in the Bible.

RIP, Steve Jobs!

31 Mar

fruits in phrases – Is apple winner?

From Monday till today of this week, my company has provided free lunches. During the lunch time, we also had sort of meetings. In the meetings, Scott made a series of presentations about our new consulting services. I found a very interesting one from the meetings. He used the same expression a few times, “Golden Nugget.” In the context, I believe it was supposed to mean something like “real good core value of a company.” Am I right? I will let our other Professional Services team members add their thoughts on this. Then, my curiosity killed me so that I had to look it up in a dictionary. Then, I found the following from the urban dictionary.

The First piece of excrement that comes of out after a long constipation allowing the persons bowels to empty.

Oh no! so gross! I hope he did not mean this one in the meetings. (Wait! Nobody laughed when he said this.) I was not able to find any other good definitions as I felt from the meeting. Which one is more correct and used by people?

Speaking of the expressions I heard from the company meetings, the other day, I heard this one, “low-hanging fruit.” This means some sort of goal or target you can achieve easily. I can guess the origin of the expression. Thinking of an apple tree, it is a lot easier to pick the low-hanging ones from the tree. Any fruits hung high, it requires a ladder and a lot of efforts.

But, then I had to make sure if this one is really safe for me to use in the future meetings I would participate. So, I looked it up. You know what I found in the urban dictionary. Check this out!

Girls who are somewhat hot – but not too hot, and who often work in posiitons of high public interaction but with low-barriers-to-entry, thus making them open and attractive targets on the one hand, but often self conscious and/or harboring self esteem issues on the other. This, as a whole, makes them susceptible and quite receptive to any overtures from the opposite sex. I.e., They are the easiest of fruit to pick.

What is wrong with the urban dictionary? Is this really something I can rely on? Andrew! I do not think urban dict is my friend any more. –)

Oh, there are other expressions that have fruits in it.

1. big apple : easy one! New York City! I have no idea about the origin of this one. Does anybody know?

2. apple bottom : I learned this one from Jessy. When she was working at a clothing store, there was a jeans brand. It was “apple bottom jeans.” They are for women. Can you guess what this means? Yeah, it describes women’s butt. But, not all of them. It should be looking good from back. I know it is personal. For example, all of the male coworkers of Jessy said, “Jessy, I do not think you have apple bottom.” Well, honey, I do think you have. You got THE apple bottom! ๐Ÿ™‚

I guess apple is the Gold medal list when it comes to the expressions with fruits in it???