27 Jun

fair game

Who taught: Supernatural

supernatural TV show

About a month ago, Jessie and I went through a few seasons of a TV show, Supernatural. I would not strongly recommend it. It is fun to watch but you get to dream about those demons in the show. And, I did not like it. So, we stopped watching the show.

Anyway, basically, the show is about two brothers fighting against demons to save the world. Before I came to the U.S., I thought the only demon in the U.S. is Zombies. Well, if you watch, there are a lot more. Another advantage (?) of watching the show is that you get to hear a whole lot of different English words you would never hear in your daily life.

I would not share those with you, my friends. But, there was one phrase I learned that I think it is very useful for you.

One demon told Dean, the older brother, “Sam is fair game to me.” (Sam is the younger brother in the show.)

When I first heard, it wasn’t clear to me. I was thinking, “what could that mean?” We all know what “fair” and “game” mean, right? Then, it should be easy to understand but not really.

So, I thought the demon was saying that he and Sam are equally powerful so that their fight would be fair when they have mano-a-mano.

My first guess was not that far off, I guess. Here is what fair game means.

A person or thing that is considered a reasonable target for criticism, exploitation, or attack.

So, it has pretty bad connotation. If someone says that your are fair game, that is not good. You should tell him that you are not right away.

Let’s have sometime to tell the truth. Who was your fair game? Your high school teachers? I hope not. How about your sister? 🙂

16 Feb

walk it off

Who taught: Sam

Walk it off (source: http://almondspeaks.blogspot.com/)

My mother-in-law really likes watching movies. Before she came and had stayed with me for a few months, I had no idea that she is into movies. In some sense, it is not a surprise at all because Jessy also loves movies.

So, for that reason, ever since she came to the United States, I have been watching more movies than any before. It is fun and also at the same time it is an amazing chance for me to learn new expressions.

About two weeks ago, I watched a movie called “Happy Thank You More Please.” It was an interesting movie but most of all I heard something that I have never heard of.

While two guys were talking about their tough lives, one guy said, “I can now sort of understand what it means to just walk it off.” He used “walk it off” as he was also talking about his baseball coach when he was young.

Can you feel it? Here is the situation. Suppose that you and I were ice-skating and you fell down on your butt. Oops! That sounds very hurt. Then, I can say to you like, “Oh man! That looks hurt. But you gotta walk it off here! There are a lot of girls watching you now.” In the story, you have to be a man. I think it is an expression that can only be used between men. But, I am not sure. Maybe, my friends can fill me in here.

That is what walk it off means. If things are tough, just move on like a man or be strong. Can you do it? I think I can walk it off after falling on the ice but I do not think I can walk it off after falling down on the slope while I am snowboarding, especially with very fast speed. That really hurts and cannot even get up if you know what I mean. 🙂

Hey, my friends, when life gets tougher and tougher, sometimes you need to really walk it off.