14 Nov

nice meeting you vs. nice seeing you

Who taught: Jake, Carol and Mark

Nice to meet you. (source: funny-cats-pictures1.blogspot.com)

Last week, I had dinner together with Jake, Carol and Mark, watching Univ of Pitt’s football game. As I walked up to the second floor of the restaurant, I saw a big group of people and one of them was Christian who is also one of my old colleagues. I thought Jake, Carol and Mark were all together with Christian’s group and was kind of confused to see so many people that I do not know at all. Looking for them, I realized that they were not within the group. They were sitting separately and the group was for Python programming language discussion.

Like an hour later, Christian came to us to say hello and chatted with us. Then, as he about to leave, he told me, “Hey! See you, Terry!” Then, I said, “Sure, Nice meeting you!” As soon as I said it, Christian and Jake were like, “What? Did you just say, ‘nice meeting you’?” “Yeah, what is wrong?” said I.

Do you see any issue with it? I mean, the word, meet, means literally, “come together” or “get together.” With that said, the sentence I said was perfectly fine. Don’t you agree? Well… Jake explained to me, “People say ‘nice meeting you’ when they meet for the first time.” He continued, “If you already know someone and you get to meet him/her again, you should say, ‘nice seeing you'” What the h**k?

Carol also told me a story of an episode of 30 rock, one of the famous tv shows in America, in which one lady tried to play a mind game with another guy, by trying to say “Nice meeting you,” even though she already met him beforehand. So, be careful with your choice of a word.

Another thing I want to point out is when to use “meeting” and when to use “to meet.” When you meet someone for the first time ever and introduce each other, then you should say, “Nice to meet you.” Then, you had a chat with him/her for a while and you need to say good bye to him/her as you leave the place, at that moment, you need to say, “Nice meeting you.” It is because ‘to verb’ implies the future whereas ‘verb + ing’ implies the past. Pretty complicated, huh? I am sure most American would not care this kind of subtle difference but that is the correct way. But, the point is do not make the same mistake I made. Sorry, Christian! I did not know that. Next time, I will remember to say, “nice seeing you.” It was really nice seeing you, Christian. Take care!

12 Nov

Who is there? Mr. Yuk!

Mr. Yuk (source: wikipedia)

Who taught : Prof. E

Every country has a few famous children’s games. I used to play bunch of different games with my friends when I was young. Sometimes, my mother got upset because I spent too much time outside, playing. Living in the U.S., I found one game that is so easy to play and children also love. It is called “Knock Knock who’s there?” game. Have you ever played? It is very simple. Two players take turns to ask and answer. Let me give you an example.

Terry: Knock, Knock.
Jake: Who’s there?
Terry: Repeat
Jake: Repeat who?
Terry: Who Who Who!

As you see from the example above, it is important for the player who started with “Knock, Knock” to come up with a good connection in your answers, such as “Repeat” and “Who Who Who!” I am sure my American friends would add a few comments with much better examples.

Now, if I want to play this game with you, I would try this one.

Me: Knock Knock!

You: Who’s there?

Me: Mr. Yuk!

You: Mr. Yuk who?

Me: Mr. Yuk, Frowny face

Maybe, my American friends would not buy my answer but at least I tried. šŸ™‚ You may notice two expressions in my example, “Mr. Yuk” and “Frowny face.” Yesterday, one of my colleagues, Professor. E, used these expressions in his lecture. I thought it was great. I am very happy to present “Mr. Yuk” because he is originally from Pittsburgh, PA.

Mr. Yuk is a trademarked graphic image, created by theĀ Children’s Hospital ofĀ Pittsburgh, and widely employed in theĀ United States in labeling of substances that areĀ poisonous if ingested. (source: Wikipedia)

According to Wikipedia, Mr. Yuk is created by a 4th grade elementary school student. You know what I think. Sometimes, simple is better. How simple Mr. Yuk is. Yet, it is so easy to understand. Then, what is frowny face? It is basiclly one of the emoticons, indicating displeasure or unhappiness. I am very sure the frowny face emoticon is from Mr. Yuk. Ā Prof. E used these in relation to a bad programming practice, saying “You do not want to have frowny face, or Mr. Yuk.” Pretty good, huh?

04 Nov

blue vs red

Who taught: Emily and David

Flag of South Korea (source: wikipedia)

As a South Korean, I am very fond of blue and red colors because the flag of South Korea has TAEGUK in the center which has blue and red colors to represent yin and yang. (For that reason, it is also called TAE-GEUK-GI.) Blue is yin and red is yang. Looking at the flag, you can tell the blue and red colors are tightly connected to each other. This represents a continuous movement within infinity, the two merging as one. (source:Ā Wikipedia)

Two days ago, there was a midterm election in the U.S. from which new U.S. Senate and House of Representatives members were selected. (Some states also elected new governors.) I was very interested in finding out the result. Not surprisingly, it was a big win by the Republican party, GOP (Grand Old Party), over the Democratic party. One of the most interesting outcomes was related with Pennsylvania (PA) state where I live. Historically, PA has been considered as a Democratic stronghold. For this reason, people call PA a “blue state with red center.” Do you know why? The identified color of the Democratic party is blue whereas that of the Republican is red. In the center of PA, a very rural area with a very low population density, people are all republicans whereas most of the people other than the center are democrats. But, this time, Republican candidates swept PA. Especially, governor and senator were from the Republican party.

After the election, my friend Emily and David updated their facebook status, saying “PA is going Red.” Now, without knowing the context mentioned above, no one would be able to understand what it means. Or maybe, people might think PA is gonna be in debt since “being in the red” means being in debt. Don’t you think?

So, to sum it up, it was very interesting for me to see the conflict between Red and Blue in the U.S.

But, I am sure that the new leaders, regardless of their parties, will work together, just like yin and yang of TAEGEUK, so that the country is really moving up to the infinity and beyond like a soaring eagle.

02 Nov

set the tone

Who taught : Andrew

Set the tone (source: shannonstanley.wordpress.com)

Have you ever played team sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball, etc? I strongly believe it is one of the best ways to learn how to collaborate with other people. One of the interesting things I have noticed by participating in team sports is that one person can make a big difference in terms of team performance.

When I was in Korea, I was in a soccer team. The team was not good at all at first but, a few months later, we were able to recruit one player who used to play soccer all the time in many of different soccer teams. He knew how to play a better soccer. As we all practiced and played together, we all got better. But Ā the main reason why we were able to beat many other teams was not that he was a good player but that he had an ability to organize the whole team.

A few weeks ago, Andrew and I were talking about his ultimate frisbee team. I said, “So, how is your ultimate frisbee these days?” He said, “That is very interesting question. So….. when I first got to know about my team members, I thought the team would lose a lot because the players are not that great compared to other teams. But, we did really good and won many games.” “Why?” said I. He answered, “Interestingly, it was because of one lady. She is a good player but, more importantly, she is amazingly good at organizing the team. She basically set the tone for the team and games. We all followed her and, as a result, won the games.”

That is right! There is an expression, “set the tone.” The meaning of the expression is to establish a particular mood. Well, if you set the tone correctly, then the outcome should usually be good, I believe, just like the soccer player I mentioned earlier. But it is also possible to set the tone in a bad way. Are you a person who sets the tone? If so, you would want to set the optimistic tone. I am sure there are so many ways to set the tone. What else do we have? Do you have any good examples you have done, setting the tone? Actually, you can set the tone for your day every day? Let’s do it, shall we? Am I setting the tone here? šŸ™‚

01 Nov


Who taught: Jessy

Candy-ass (source: www.flickr.com)

Yesterday was Oct 31st, 2010. It was Halloween. Based on what I felt, starting from Halloween, the whole U.S. gets into the long holiday mode. They decorate houses with pumpkins and scary toys for Halloween and, in November, it turns into the Thanksgiving mode. Finally, there is a Christmas in December. Christmas decoration is the best. You should really try to be in the U.S. and see them. It is amazing.

Along with the decorations, there are certain things happening on Halloween day, such as trick-or-treating, wearing costumes, and parties. Jessy and I did not wear costumes or trick-or-treat. But, we decided to go to a haunted house with Alex and Sangeetha for the first time in our lives. It was fun and kind of scary. Jessy decided to be the last one in our group. Bad choice! (She also admitted it.) All of the scary characters in the house were following us but, since she was the last one, they basically followed her. šŸ™‚ So, if you ever go to a hunted house, try not to be the last one in your group!

Speaking of scary stuff, there is an expression I learned from Jessy. Do you know what sissy means? Last winter, when I went snowboarding, there was a friend of James who was with me. He was trying to follow me to do a big air which basically jumps over a huge jump area and flies like 10 – 20 yards. (Yes, that is what I do with my snowboard.) It really requires the guts to be able to do it. By the time we got to the starting point, he said, “Oh man! I do not think I can do it. You go ahead. I think I will be sissy this time.” Now, you can get the feeling of the word, right? It means a pejorative for a boy or man to indicate that he fails to behave according to the traditional male gender role. The expression I want to tell you today, though, is a different one. It is candy-ass. It is the same meaning to sissy. But, I like candy-ass one more. I think it is not a word or expression you would use a lot. But, try to find the proper time when you are with your male friends and use it. It will be fun. Every time you, as a non-native English speaker, use this kind of expressions to your American friends, they will be so impressed. Am I right, my American friends?