blow my mind VS slip my mind
Who taught: Jean
Ever since I started this blog, many of my friends have given me a lot of new expressions that I can use for this blog. “Thank you so much, All! I love you! I am so glad I have you!”
One day, when I was brewing my coffee, Jean came to me, asking me a question. “Terry, what do you think about blow my mind and slip my mind? Can you say about your interpretations?”
“Hmm, I think blow my mind means something making me surprised and slip my mind means something making me sad.”, I said. “Blow my mind” was a little bit obvious but “slip my mind” was a little harder to guess but I thought if anything makes my mind slip, it might be something related with sadness. Jean had to go into a meeting so that she could not explain to me at the moment. A few hours later, Jean came to my desk and explained to me about the expressions.
“Blow my mind” means something makes you really surprised. I would say something really amazing. For example, hmm…. it would be something like watching Shawn White’s snowboarding. His snowboarding performance in the Olympics was really really amazing. It totally blew my mind.
On the other hand, “slip my mind” means the expression you can use when you forgot. Let’s say you are supposed to go grocery shopping to buy bread before you get home but you did not do it (?????). Then you got back to home and your wife asks you where the bread is. Then you can say, “Opps! I am sorry! It totally slipped my mind. Can you buy it tomorrow? Thanks!” Haha! See, learning new expressions are good because you can use it in a lot of situations! Is it a good usage??