04 Mar

welcome to the hood and six pack abs

Who taught: Patrick and Jake

One of the things I regularly go during winter is rock climbing. It is especially fun because I have really nice friends going together. Besides, it helps me to keep my 6 pack abs. Oh, this is another expression I just realized I learned from my friends. 6 pack abs mean the well defined abdomen of guys. I think it usually applies to guys, right? I do not think it is really a compliment if I use this to women even though they really have it. Is it true? Anyways, it is originated from 6 pack beers. If you look at the 6 pack beers from the top, it has perfectly divided lines. So if your ab has the same lines, then people would say you have great 6 pack there. Well, I guess I do have 6 pack abs. If you want a proof, I can put a pic of it. What? You cannot believe it. OK, call me if you are ladies! I will show it to you. I am just kidding!! Well, one day, after rock climbing, Patrick gave me and Jake a ride to our homes. We decided to go to Jake’s house first. As we get closer to his house, I was wondering if the neighborhood is safe and good or not. So, I asked a question to them. And they said, “Not really! Welcome to the hood!” Then, I had to ask a question to them. What does it mean? They said, “It means this neighborhood is not really good. In that case, people say the hood.” They also told me this is originated from a rap music. I cannot remember what it is. But it was interesting to hear the expression. I would never understand what it means if they did not tell me about it. Thanks, dude!

03 Mar

talk of the town

Who taught: James

I started this blog from Mar 1st, 2010. Within just one day, this becomes popular in my office. Over the lunch today, many of my friends told me they really like the blog. And James came into the kitchen, sitting into the chair, saying “So, Terry, your blog is the talk of the town now!”

What the heck? I could not understand what it means exactly and had to ask him, “What does it mean?” He explained it to me that it means “something that everybody talks about.” And I told him back, “Well, I will add it to my blog.” So here it is! The talk of the town, my blog! Yay!

03 Mar

while the cat's away, mice will play.

Who taught: Ari and Andrew

All right, today is a new day. Let’s get to work! Today’s expression is “while the cat’s away, mice will play.”

A few days ago, I was having lunch with my friends at work. For some reason, we started to have a cat conversation.

And Ari asked me about my interpretation of the expression, “while the cat’s away, mice will play.”

My answer was “hmm…. I think it is that, if there is no people with power, then the others will rule the world.” I think I was pretty close, wasn’t I? Maybe not!

Then Andrew explained to me that this expression means “if there is no authority, things will go over the limit. For example, when there are no parents, children will go crazy like having a party. In that case, you can use the expression.”

And Ari (?) also told me, “the other example would be, if there is no Carl, the PS engineers would slack.” (FYI, Carl is my boss and I am in Professional Services department.) Now I totally understood the meaning of the expression.

But, to be clear, the PS engineers never slack but work hard even Carl is not around. Go, PS!!!

PS: I asked Jessica about her interpretation. She told me, “let’s say there are two bosses, one is higher than the other. When the higher one is not in the office, the lower one tries to act like he/she is the top boss in the office.” This sounds very similar to mine. No wonder why we are married!!

02 Mar

hold down the fort

Who taught: Andrew

When Andrew was going to take a long vacation, I came over to his desk to say “take care and see you later” and he told me “Sure, hold down the fort!” I did not know what that means and he told me it means like “take care of the place while I am gone since you will be in the office.”

And after a few months later, I was on vacation with Patrick, Rachel and Jessica. On Sunday, all of us except Rachel decided to go snowboarding and Rachel was going to stay in the cabin. So, when we leave the cabin, I said to Rachle, “hold down the fort!” Good job, Terry! You used it! haha.

02 Mar

dutch oven

Who taught: Jake (?) Is it you, Jake? Cannot remember!

This looks like this is one of the favorite ones here. I would be so embarrassed if I explain this by myself. So, I want to borrow the definition from urban dictionary.

“Blowing hard ass wind under the covers several times and building up stench while your old lady is brushing her teeth and getting ready for bed, then when she gets into bed, pull the covers over her head and yell “Dutch Oven” and let her enjoy the stench of your ass gas for at least 30 seconds.”

Wait, now I am curious that this one should be really 30 seconds. Is it a strict rule?

I actually forgot why this expression came out. Jake, was it because you do this many times and teach me how to amuse Jessica?