02 Mar

smoking crack

Who taught: Patrick

The other expression you can use: “What are you smoking?”

This is something related with weed, I think. Patrick told me this is from Crack Cocaine. If you smoke cocaine, then you would become sort of high and not sober. So simply it is a stronger expression of like, “what are you crazy?”

01 Mar

if you've got the stones!

Who taught : Patrick.

Patrick told me this is one of his favorites. But not sure whether this is really an expression many people use.

This is a slang for “if you are brave enough to do something” or “if you have guts to do something”

Do you use a lot?

01 Mar

That's BS.

Who taught: Jake and Patrick? Oh and Phil (Phil told me it is important to give strong and long accent to “bull”)

Maybe I should not add these kind of expressions here but I guess it is still useful in a sense that at least I can understand what it means when other people say it.

So, simply, BS is an abbreviation of “Bull Shit.” So if anyone say something you think totally nonsense, you may use this expression but I guess you do not want to use it to somebody you just met unless you do not even care about them (????).

Well, not really recommended, though.

01 Mar

Don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house

Teacher : Andrew.

When Andrew brought this expression, there were different opinions about the origin of it.

He thought it is because other people can break your house easily but many of us thought it is because the stones thrown by the owner from the inside of the house will break his/her own house.

Then Andrew came out with some of the documents from the Internet supporting his opinion. But Jake still thinks thoss are not reliable.

Well, anyways, I am not sure which opinion is correct but basically this means do not ctiticize other people since you also have the same weaknesses.

This is one of my favorites since this is really true and people including me also forget about it and criticize other people without even thinking too much about consequences.

So, let’s not throw stones because everybody lives in a glass house!!!