07 Jan

road signs

It is amazing how fast people can change.

Deer Xing (source: http://www.signs-up.com/)

When I first got to the U.S., I was very surprised by the fact that cars really stop, or at least close to stop, at stop signs. To be honest, I have never stopped at stop signs in Korea. As far as I remember, no one stops at stop signs in Korea. (I hope this has been changed.) Now, I do stop at stop signs here in the U.S. It is highly possible that you can get into accidents if you do not stop at stop signs in the United States because people drive assuming that all drivers would stop at stop signs.

Another road sign I found that it is very interesting to see here in the U.S is “No turn on red.” You would see this sign so many times in the U.S. When you see this sign, you CANNOT make even right turns when the red signal is on. This is not the case in Korea. It is possible to make right turns on red as long as there is no traffic coming through. So, my friends who are not in the U.S.! Please do remember these two signs so that you do not get into any trouble when you drive in the U.S. If you happen to violate any of these and get caught by Police, there is a simple trick you can do. Try to say, “Yesterday Korea, Today America,” with a very bad accent. I do not guarantee this would work for you though.

There are also so many road signs related with animals. Most of them are for deer. It mostly has a deer image but some of them has also text. It says “deer xing.” Well, when I first saw that sign, I knew what it is trying to warn but I did not know how to pronounce “XING” and also what it means. Can you guess? I believe you can. You are smarter than me. It is a shortened one for “Crossing.” I remember I also saw these signs in Korea but never really encountered any deer at all on the road. But, here in the U.S., you do need to be careful of deer when you drive. They are everywhere, especially at night.

Looking back, I realize that how much I have been changed. I do stop at stop signs and do not make right turns at no turn on red sign. And, I am very afraid of deer when I drive at night.

There are some other signs I also think very interesting. I will get back to those later. Have a good day, my friends!