30 Aug


Who taught: Dexter and Jake

Gulls (source: http://animals.howstuffworks.com/)

I believe in people, especially my friends. How about you?

One of the caveats of believing friends too much is that they can trick me so easily. One time Jake and I hang out, he pointed out a part of the ceiling of the restaurant with his finger, saying “Look! There is some letter written on the ceiling.” I looked at it but could not find it. He continued to say it again and again and I still tried to find the letter.

After a few tries, I realized that something must be wrong, looking back at him. He started to smile, saying “Oh, T-bone! I like you. You are so gullible.”

What is gullible? Here is the definition.

Easily deceived of cheated.

Looking at the word, gullible, you might be able to guess that this is from another word, “gull,” right?

What is gull, then? Gull mainly means two things. First, it means any aquatic bird of the genus Larus  and related genera, such asL. canus. For your reference, I inserted a photo of it. I am not sure about the U.S. but, in Korea, people believe that gulls are kind of representative of cheating. Having this impression, let me tell you another definition of gull. Gull, as a verb, means “deceive or cheat.” Perfect, right?

Why don’t you try this? Gulls are almost everywhere these days, especially where there is a river or beach. So, when you see them next time, why don’t you try to trick your friends and, as you got them, say this, “Oh man! You are so gullible.”

Good luck! Hope they are as gullible as I am!