26 Mar


Doesn’t this one sounds like my nose? I mean Asian people’s nose because our skin color is brown or yellow.

But, this one has very different meaning. What would happen if you get your face really closer to someone’s ass? I mean close enough your nose can touch someone’s anus and that person did not properly clean his anus after he/she went to bathroom to drop a deuce. It doesn’t look good, right? Well, apparently, your nose will get something from doing it and it should be brown color. Or maybe black or yellow depends on what that person ate before he went to bathroom. I will stop here. It is getting too dirty and distracted from the point 🙂

“So, do you get the idea here? What? Still not get it? OK…OK.. I will give you a definition.” This means “to support every opinion or decision of another person, especially your superior.” The other expression you can use is “suck up to” or “flatter.” I heard this expression from my company’s all-hands meeting. There was a time that the company’s President gave a presentation (That day was his birthday and not everyone knew that.) and, right after that, another person also was going to make his presentation. When he got the microphone, he started with mentioning the President’s birthday, saying “Congratulations! Today is your birthday!” Then, the last person who gave a presentation said, “Oh, brownnosing!” It was kind of joking but I did not know what it means and asked my friends to figure the meaning out. Well, today’s lesson is “In the long term, brownnosing would not work. If we want to be successful at work, we gotta be sincere and honest.” Oh…. but, it could work for your wife. So, try to brownnose your wife when she is angry at you. She will forgive you. It is kind of wisdom for life.