17 Apr

crocodile tears

Who taught: Julie and Ari

crocodile tears

crocodile tears (Mar)

Do you like popcorn? I love it, especially buttered one. Jessy does not like buttered one but I love them. They are so great when you watch movies or when you are having a happy hour with your friends, right?

I think Mar, Ari’s daughter, has the same kind of spirit. Last Friday, Ari holds a happy hour and some of my friends and I were there too.

As soon as Mar came back from her school, she did not wait too long to get some popcorn for us (or for herself?). Ari said that she bought popcorn a few days ago and told Mar that she can eat on Friday. Fair enough, it was Friday.

After she finished the first bowl of popcorn, she brought another one out from the kitchen. Unfortunately, she dropped the bowl and popcorn got dirty.

So, as you can expect, she wanted more but Ari said no to her. As she said, Mar started crying(???). Of course, she got attention from all of us. Ari, as a mom, did not want us give attention to Mar.

That’s very good! I like how she disciplines her kids. I am not sure I can do it. So, she said to us, “Please don’t look at her.” We all heard and Julie said, “Oh, it’s crocodile tears.”

From the context, it was so easy for me to understand what it means. I am sure you all can now, right? The more interesting part is its origin. Wikipedia has a great reference to it. Ancient anecdote says that crocodiles weep in order to lure their prey. An alternative explanation is that crocodile tears cannot be authentic because they cannot cry. On this note, there is a very interesting truth. Crocodiles can generate tears but they have no sense of crying. How interesting it is, huh!

What happend to Mar? She stopped crying soon after. Oh…. you know what? Crocodile tears could work between husband and wife. Have you tried? You should! 🙂

2 thoughts on “crocodile tears

  1. Poor Mar! Thanks for leaving out the part where I hit her in the face with a frisbee.

    Also, small typo – “mon” instead of “mom”.

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