Get the show on the road
Who taught: Pete
Yesterday, I was waiting for Andrew to leave the office together because I need to get my stuff from his car. I left my bag into his car the other day. Well, anyways, but he was in the meeting and I had to wait for him. Pete was passing by me and tell me another expression. “Let’s get the show on the road!” My guess was it sounds like it means something like make something or someone public and known to many other people. Well, it actually means like “let’s get started!” or like “let’s go!”
I was so tempted to use it to Andrew but I did not want to interrupt his meeting.
Patrick uses the other expression, “All right, let’s do the shit!” Is it the same thing?
After writing bunch of these articles with many expressions, I am getting more curious. What would American people think if I use these kind of expressions too much. Would it be weird? Frankly, it would sound weird to me if non-native Korean speaker, staying in Korea, speak all different kind of Korean slangs. Well, it might be OK if he/she speaks really good Korean. I donno. Just short thought about my using slangs. What do you think?