29 Mar

bun in the oven

Who taught: Brian, Andrew and Jean

Christian, Jean and Andew's Handcrafted Card for Ari

Yesterday, my friend Ari gave a birth to her second little girl, Maia. To celebrate,Christian, Jean and Andrew made a real cute card for her. The theme of the card was “The Adventures of Maya the bee.” I am pretty sure she will love the card. After they are done making the card, each of us write simple message to her. You know what I wrote. 🙂 “No bun in the oven any more! Congrats! from Terry”

There are a few expressions that have something to do with babies or babies in it I learned from my friends.

1. Bun in the oven : A few days ago, Brian came to me, asking “Hey Terry, Do you know what does ‘bun in the oven’ mean?” I was basically like, “It does not sound very special because it is not a surprise at all seeing a bun in the oven. Does it even have any special meaning?” “You can use it to Ari”, Brian told. At that moment, I finally got the picture of “bun in the oven” and was able to connect it to a pregnant woman. I thought this is really perfect expression for describing women’s being pregnant. Very funny one! I really like this expression. But, I had to make sure whether this is not insulting to women or not and asked him. He said, “No! It is just another way of saying being pregnant.” Man, I like it. Awesome! Jean also told me, “You can also say like ‘got one in the oven’.” But I like “bun in the oven” better.

For your better understanding, here is a picture I found from the Internet. So cute, isn’t it? You can use this expression to a pregnant women like, “Oh, you’ve got the bun in the oven!” Wait! Can I use it to a woman who is at the early stage of pregnancy. I do not think so, right? Also, I am curious whether anybody wear this costume for a Halloween party. Maybe I should do for this year’s Halloween day. Oops! I exposed my secret here 🙂

2. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater : This one! Andrew used this one to me two times. I guess this one is a little more straightforward than the previous one, right? This means “should be careful when you try to get rid of any inessential things because you might also throw the important thing together.” What would be a good example for this? Hmm… I think…. If I were a congressman, I would have used this expression to the President Obama when he was trying to rush to change the health care system. “Mr. President! I know it is important to change the system for the future. But, we do not want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, right?” What do you think about my example? Is it good? And do you have any other expressions where there is babies in it or related with babies? Please share them with us!