15 Jul

bumping uglies

Who taught : Andrew

Wow! My blog is featured in this blog, READABLE BLOG, and the author, Clarissa, said that I am a great example of an enthusiastic language learner who likes thinking about language. I don’t know what to say. Thank you!

Two days ago, Andrew asked me a question. “Terry, do you know what ‘bumping uglies’ means?” I was thinking and thinking….. but cannot even guess what it means. “So, uglies mean something really bad?” I asked. He said, “No, they are not bad. Actually, they could be good.” I tried a few things but I was not even get closer at all. Then, he showed me some actions to describe the expression. Then, I got it. Can you guess? Tell you what! If your mind is in the gutter, you would be able to guess but people like me cannot at all. You know, innocent people! 🙂 (Andrew, I am not saying your mind is in the gutter because you are American and you already know what it means.) Simply, it means “sex.” I was trying to find out its origin but was not successful. Some people say a rapper started to use it as an euphemism for sex. But I cannot buy it. (For some people who would not know ‘buy’ means here, it is the same as ‘believe’. So, I am saying I cannot believe it.)

To be honest, I kind of like this expression. It sounds very funny and cute, doesn’t it? I mean I can understand why there is ‘bumping’ but selection of ‘uglies’ is quite interesting here, representing reproductive organs. Why not bumping beauties or bumping things? And, if I say just ‘uglies’ in a sexual context, would people connect them as the organs? Always curious about the expression!! I have to say. Writing this blog is so much more fun than I thought it would be. Any non-native English speaker should try it. You will learn a lot more and faster. I guarantee!