28 Apr


Who taught: Jake

Stud earrings (source: http://www.diamonds-earring.net/)

Do you know types or designs of earrings? I bet there are many different designs. Do I know them? Not at all. Should I know? Probably!

A few weeks ago, I learned one type of earrings from Jake. It is stud. How does it look like? It is hard to explain. Please refer to the image here in this post. One thing I know is that stud earrings are not the ones that are dangling and, if any man wears earrings, chances are he is wearing stud ones.

Well, Jake did not really talk about earrings with me. I mean,,, why would he and I talk about earrings?

So, what happened is that he used “stud” in his sentence and I did not get it. I said, “What? Stud? What is it?” From the context I gave you so far, can you guess why he used stud? Once again, we did not talk about earrings at all. I am sure you cannot guess at all.

He used stud to mean a good looking guy or a guy who is popular among ladies. I think he was saying, “Terry, you are a stud.” He said something good about me and I did not get it. How poor am I? ๐Ÿ™‚

Since I asked what stud means, he tried to explain it to me. He said stud is a type of earrings and it also means a male animal that is very desirable for breeding, especially a racehorse.

My guess is that, at some point in farms, people started to use stud to mean a good looking guy because it means a male racehorse that is very good for breeding. After all, man is a male animal.

So… how about you? Are you a stud?

You think you are? Then, I have an idea. Why don’t you wear stud earrings? That could make you look even studder. (Wait! Is studder even a word?) ๐Ÿ™‚

2 thoughts on “stud

    • Thanks, Alex! That would be hard for me to remember.
      I think Carol reads my blog. So, I am sure Carol and Jake know this post. ๐Ÿ™‚

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