13 Oct

stone fox

Who taught: Sears


Today, I have wonderful news for you. What would you say when you misspoke to your girlfriend or wife and you are looking for a word to make up for it? I have one perfect word for you that can solve the problem right away.

Recently, I have seen this Sears Optical commercial many times. But, it was yesterday that I really paid attention to what a guy says. Did you catch it? He said, “How did I get a fox like you?” The fact is that he said that after he cut his wife’s hair, not just the price tag. What a mistake! He failed because he did not wear glasses.

Anyway, as soon as I heard him saying, “fox,” I was surprised because we, Koreans, also use the same word to describe a woman. A woman who is attractive and sexy.

So, you can say to your wife or girlfriend, “You are a fox!” But, then what is a stone fox? If your wife or girlfriend is a stone fox, then you should probably be proud of yourself.

Why? Here Β is the thing. Stone is so hard and strong to break, right? So, if a lady is not only a fox but also a stone fox, then she is sexy but at the same time is not easily attainable.

Oh, man.. I am going to say this to Jessy today, “Jessy! How did I get a stone fox like you? I must be very foxy, right?” πŸ™‚

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